How Architecture Impacts the Built Environment


How Architecture Impacts the Built Environment

Architectural architecture is the product and the process of designing, planning, and building structures either in the form of buildings or other similar structures. Architectural projects, in the conventional sense of the term, are generally perceived as works of art and as visual symbols. Architectural landscapes and spaces thus have important aesthetic, social, and political meanings. Aesthetic values have been discussed at length by several scholars including Christopher Alexander, Barbara Kimble, and Max Weber.

Urban planning and design is an important element of the discipline of architecture. It usually refers to the method of organizing the creation of a built environment, for instance, in cities, into distinctively distinctive patterns and designs. The interaction of people within the built environment is usually depicted in terms of a ‘place’ or a ‘people,’ which is an aspect of the larger field of architecture known as the built environment.

Urban planning is an essential component of the discipline of architecture. Urban planning can be thought of as the stage of development of an urban area, which determines the character and form of the buildings and other physical features of an area. A number of factors may affect an area’s urban design, including land use, population, land availability, land drainage, and architectural style. Historically, many urban centers arose in historically significant areas (for instance, Rome arose out of the ruins of the Roman city of Troy and Sicily, Egypt was a part of the Pharaonic Egypt, and the Greek Megalonia arose from the island of Samaria). A variety of technological innovations have also played a role in determining the form and design of modern architectural spaces.

Landscape architecture, on the other hand, is architecture that addresses the arrangement and positioning of buildings and other physical features in a given landscape. It is an important element of urban design, planning, and landscape architecture. For example, the careful coordination of street furniture placement, lighting, signage, plantings, and architectural features such as courtyards and parks provide a smoothly running urbanized environment. In addition to influencing the overall look of a space, landscape architecture can also have a considerable impact on how people live within it.

ARCHITECTURE AND EVOLVING POPULAR IDEAS: When architects discuss the subject of architecture, they usually think of it in terms of individual artistic “stands” or elements of the architectural design that are unique in some way. However, it is important to remember that the overall artistic goal of any architectural design is to create a community that is integrated and coherent. Therefore, while each element of the design will have an artistic purpose, the end result of any given element must incorporate the others in a seamless fashion so as to create a fluid, multi-functional space. This way, the architect helps to create a space that is friendly to people by making it easy to move around.

Conclusion: Architecture is an extremely important aspect of the built environment. The landscape architecture that occurs on the site prior to the construction of a building is called the built environment. The landscape architecture that occurs after the buildings have been built is termed the built environment. Landscape architecture is vitally important to the building of the built environment, because of the sensitive interrelationship between the buildings, the landscape and surrounding communities, and the physical considerations that must be taken into account.