Basics of Architectural Art


Basics of Architectural Art

Architectural architrave, the architectural plan and blueprints, architectural schematics, architectural stylistic and compositional design are the three major elements involved in architectural designing. Architectural architrave is the product and the process of planning, designing, building and assembling buildings or other permanent structures. Architectural projects, in the conventional material form such as concrete buildings, are generally perceived to be artistic works and as social symbols. Thus, architraves become a decorative feature that adds to the beauty of any building.

The process of architectural designing started from the ancient times and progressed to the present day with the incorporation of computers and technical advancements. Nowadays, most modern architects use computer software in order to design and build their structures. Architraves are therefore also included in the design process of some modern architectural projects. In fact, many architects like Frank Lloyd Wright used architraves in his fantastic buildings. In fact, most of the contemporary ARA architectural styles are based on designs and concepts that are derived from the works of Architraves.

Architectural architraves have the wider definition than buildings and other permanent structures because they are a part of the building or any structure, and they act as a decorative feature, as display board, or as part of the landscape. They can be designed to fit into any architectural design or theme. However, architects should be careful in using architectural designs and schematics because they have the potential to cause harmful environmental effects in the areas where they are built or used. Moreover, such structures should also be in accordance with the building codes and regulations for the area in which they are intended to be used. So the concept of architectural architraves are very important and should therefore be taken into consideration while designing buildings, roadways, parks, etc.

The term architectural is defined as the designing of physical structures and spaces. This includes designing buildings, residential houses, office complexes, schools, hospitals, residential houses, etc. It also includes designing and building the landscapes of a location. Therefore, architecture covers every aspect of the designing of a place including its physical structures and spaces. When an architect designs a building, he first draws a plan of how the building will look like after the construction has been completed.

There are different kinds of architecture. It includes the so-called monumental architecture, which is also known as grand architecture, Egyptian or Greek architecture, pre-Christian architecture, baroque architecture, renaissance architecture, classical architecture, neo-classical architecture, etc. There are numerous architects who specialize in specific fields of architecture. The most common architects are designers or project managers who oversee the execution of a client’s ideas into physical form by designing buildings, monuments, bridges and other physical structures. Usually, architects play a very vital role in the designing of residential houses, commercial buildings and offices.

Architectural historians consider that the architectural development of a country or state can be traced back to its most famous or important buildings and places. There are many examples of famous and important buildings all over the world including the Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Great Wall of China, The Uffizi Museum in Florence, The Vatican Church, The Russian Cathedral, The Taj Mahal in New Delhi, The Houses of Parliament in London, The Royal Castle in Scotland Yard, The Swiss National Building Commission in Zurich, The Statue of Liberty in New York City, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Great Wall in China, The Great Pyramid in Egypt, The colossal Taj Mahal in Agra, The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, The Matterhorn in Switzerland, Theitated temples, etc. Architectural historians also point out that some of these places have been influenced by various cultures, including the ancient Greek and the Roman civilizations. So, we can say that architecture is the arrangement of physical spaces and elements to produce a functional building or structure.